Utility pipes stretching into the horizon between grass and sky
How to participate in Open Meetings
If you would like to participate in Open Meetings, please click the link below for instructions.
hand holding thermometer in high temperatures

Arizona is experiencing increasingly longer periods of extreme heat, causing more Arizonans to experience heat-related illness, emergency room visits, and death. Taking proactive measures to mitigate the challenges posed by rising temperatures is essential in protecting the health of Arizonans. As temperatures continue to climb, please use the link to valuable resources provided by the Arizona Department of Health Service's on Extreme Heat.

If you need assistance with your utility bill visit this page with additional resources.

Image of a power meter and electrical tower

Welcome to Arizona RUCO

The Residential Utility Consumer Office (RUCO) was established by the Arizona Legislature in 1983 to represent the interests of residential utility ratepayers in rate-related proceedings involving public service corporations before the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC).  RUCO accomplishes this charge primarily through a staff of financial analysts and attorneys.  RUCO participates in a number of policy matters that also affects the rates paid and services received by residential ratepayers.

If you have billing questions or concerns regarding your utility company, please click here.

If  you wish to file a complaint against your utility company, please click here

About Us

Image of gas stove with the burners on
ACC Calendar

Please click this link if you are interested in staying informed of the latest updates of all meetings and/or hearings at the ACC.

Faucet with water coming out
Hot Topics

This link will take you to all the Large Policy Issues that RUCO is or has been involved in at the ACC.

Picture of powerlines with sunset behind them

This link will take you to all the current cases that RUCO is currently intervening in.